What's in your cup? Conventional vs. Organic Coffee

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Want to know how you can improve your health? Choose organic coffee over conventional!

The word “organic” tends to get thrown around, and it can be unclear as to how much it matters with certain products. With the most popular beverage in the world, the difference between conventional, or non-organic, and organic is massive! The farming methods of conventional coffee have changed over time to meet its high demand, making it one of the most chemical-filled products on the planet. This means of production is beneficial for the economy, but not our bodies. Read below to learn about the risks of conventional coffee, how going organic can benefit you, and what to look for when buying organic coffee.

Cons of conventional coffee:

  1. High in toxins. 70 percent of the world’s coffee supply is contaminated with toxic chemicals -- yikes!! Conventional coffee is imported from countries that allow the unregulated use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides… I can bore you with a whole list, but basically, these chemicals can be toxic and cancer-causing, especially when consumed over a long period of time. 

  2. Increases risk of disease. Regular exposure to pesticides can damage our body systems, throw off hormones, and increase the risk of developing diseases like Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, food allergies, and obesity.

  3. Digestive issues. Coffee is already tough on the stomach with its strong stimulating effects, but conventional coffee can be even harder on digestion since it contains powerful irritants and cancer-causing agents.

Benefits of organic coffee:

  1. Decreases health risks. Unlike conventional coffee, growing organic coffee does not involve the use of chemicals. Farmers will instead use organic fertilizers like coffee pulp or compost, reducing the risk of pesticide-related illness. 

  2. Boosts immunity. Organic fertilizers actually help boost the antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral levels of coffee, which help to protect our bodies against harmful free radicals that cause disease.

  3. Better taste. Organic coffee is grown for longer in high altitudes with lots of shade, purifying the soil, and preventing water contamination. This process, along with the use of natural fertilizers, makes it taste richer and more flavorful!

  4. Function better in your daily life. Pure organic caffeine can make you work better throughout the day by boosting energy levels and increasing brain productivity!

Find the best organic coffee:

Organic coffee typically costs a little more than conventional due to more careful farming practices and tighter regulations, but don’t let this keep you from going organic!

  1. Look for coffee beans with the following labels: Shade-grown, 100% Certified Organic, USDA Organic, Rainforest America Certified, Fair Trade

  2. Be cautious of coffee chains. Unfortunately, the biggest ones don’t offer organic coffee beans, so it’s best to stick to local, independent coffee shops that are more likely to source organic coffee beans. 

  3. Brew your own at home. Be in control of the quality of your coffee by investing in a good coffee maker and beans, while also saving money and helping the environment. 

The bottom line: Conventional coffee contains lots of harmful chemicals that we want to avoid putting into our bodies whenever possible, especially for those who drink coffee on a daily basis. Organic coffee is grown under better conditions that create a product we can truly reap the benefits from. By making informed decisions and choosing organic coffee beans, you can continue to enjoy your morning cup of coffee without sacrificing your health!