Too many mashed potatoes? Do this to de-bloat...

Hi friends!

There’s no doubt that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the family gathering together, the focus on thankfulness, and of course the food! Followed by a weekend of leftovers, perhaps more get togethers and more delicious food!

If you’re anything like me, you have a tendency to overdo it just a little (or maybe a lot) with the mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and creamy pumpkin pie. I may be a health coach, but I’m also human, and I just can’t say no to my favorite foods of the year!

But with that second helping of stuffing always comes some major bloating. Are you feeling it, too?

The good news is that we don’t have to suffer through the tummy troubles that a huge feast can bring on (or rely on sweatpants to get through the month of December).

Here’s my mini-plan to de-bloat after Thanksgiving and all of the upcoming holiday meals going forward:

  • Step 1: Water, water and more water will help to flush excess sodium out of your system. Drink warm water with lemon first thing in the morning. This helps to aid with digestion and maximizes the effect of reducing the amount of salt retained in your body.

  • Step 2: Move your body. There’s nothing like getting in a good sweat to reduce bloating.

  • Step 3: Pay attention to portions. If you overdue it at the main event, go back to normal portions the following day.

Put this mini-plan into action ASAP to get your belly feeling better (so you can fasten that top button). I know I’ll be using it, too!

Stay tuned to my instagram for more banish bloating tips!

Happy holidays!

P.S. Have you been struggling with bloating and fatigue on a regular basis? Schedule a complimentary health consultation so I can explain what helped me finally overcome my health issues and how we can help solve the real reason you’re feeling bloated all the time.